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Gift Pack of 5 Postcards Single image: Andromeda and the Sea Serpent

SKU 00000
Product Details

Exclusive Range of Spirit of Legends Gift Postcards

This beautiful gift pack is to Help Fundraise for Papa Guttmann Trust and Spinal injuries unit with 50% of proceeds donated.

Assorted 5 designs of GB Paralympic Legends as Olympic Gods Artwork created by East London Artist Clare Newton FRSA.

Rediscover the romantic classics of Greek Mythology in contemporary photographic portraits influenced from the Renaissance period which also inspired great poetry from Shakespere, Keats and many more. On the back of each card is a short poem printed in pale colour. You can either write next to it or over it whatever you choose.


And the Sea Serpent

Helena Lucas MBE

British Number 1, for Single keelboat Sailing.

Upon the rocky ledge a pretty maid

Stands tethered among the craggy rings of masquerades

Where dark fearsome beast growls such gaudy notes

With fixéd eyes that burn upon the knightly casques

A rescue is the quest oh mighty Perseus

“Save all and you shall keep this pretty bride”. Artist CNewton

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Gift Pack of 5 Postcards Single image: Andromeda and the Sea Serpent
Gifts to aid the Poppa Guttman Trust for spinal injury projects - See More
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